Member-only story
This painting was created in the year of 2023
Painter: Law Yuen (羅源)
Painting style: Sketching Thoughts’ Style Painting (寫意派画 — 素描思想风格画)
Background of this painting creation (绘画背景):
Recently one day, painter Law Yuen drove by along a river, he saw a young boy was fishing near the riverbank that caused him to recall when he was boyhood living in a village in China. One day, he went fishing with four childhood friends. They started walking along a long stream for fishing. They kept fishing and walking toward the upper stream. After many hours, they realized they were going into a valley. They were surprised to see the beauty of the scenery. There are high mountains on all sides, and there are cliffs on the left and right. There are only high mountains and steep mountains, and there is no way to climb them. The peaks are connected one by one, continuously. They saw an eagle fly in the sky around to search for prey, and many kinds of animals ran around too. There were no people besides these kids. After staying a little while, they became scared and decided to return home. Recalling this interesting event that inspired the painter, Law Yuen to create this artwork that combines Chinese calligraphy, poem, and painting (called “The Trinity”).
Poem: 五少小沿溪垂钓, 进谷惊见山河美。(Poem translation: The five young children were fishing along the upper stream, and when they entered the valley, they…